Video Marketing

5 Ways To Get More YouTube Views

With so many people watching video on their phones, YouTube is definitely a powerful tool to grow your brand. But how do you get more YouTube views to grow your brand? We’ve created a list of 5 ways to help you get more views on your YouTube videos.

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is the most important step. Before people can watch your videos, they have to find them. You have to create videos that people are searching for. Also, your video title and description help people find your videos. These have to include keywords that people are searching for.

A good way to find keywords is to do a search on YouTube pertaining to the video you just made. See what comes up in the search bar. This can give you ideas on what you might not have thought of. It can also help you create a title for your video. Beware, don’t use keywords that aren’t relevant to your video. YouTube will penalize you for doing so. According to YouTube, “Titles that perform best are often those that tell a story.”

TubeBuddy is a great tool to help you create your title for your video. It gives you insight on the title of your video to help you choose the one that works best.

2. Relevant Video Tags

YouTube video tags are like hashtags. They help tell YouTube what your video is about. These tags help YouTube’s algorithm understand what people will see when they view your video. The more relevant your tags are to your video, YouTube will increase your ranking on those keywords.

Tags not only help with people finding your videos via search, they also help with Suggested Video rankings. Suggested Video rankings are prime real estate on YouTube. They are the videos that show up as the next video when you are watching a video.

TubeBuddy can help you add relevant tags to your videos. Another great tool is VidIQ. VidIQ not only helps you find relevant tags, but also grades your video’s discoverability on YouTube for a particular tag.

3. Create Compelling Thumbnails

To get noticed on YouTube, you must create a compelling thumbnail that will make people want to click on it to watch it. Rather than use a thumbnail that’s generated by YouTube, create a custom thumbnail. A custom thumbnail entices people to watch your videos. Ninety percent of the top-performing videos on YouTube use them.

4. Start Creating Videos

If you want more views, you have to start making videos. Many people procrastinate and never make any videos. You have to make them. And you have to create videos consistently. Make at least 2-3 videos a week and be consistent. YouTube will rank your videos if you are consistently creating them.

5. Consistency

Youtube’s algorithm is a “search and discovery system.” It determines which videos people will see, what’s on their homepage, suggested videos, etc. It looks to see if people are watching your videos and if you are creating enough content for people to watch. The algorithm relies heavily on “watch-time” to rank videos. But if you aren’t creating videos for people to watch consistently, YouTube won’t recommend your videos.

6. BONUS: Promote Your Videos

Let people know when you upload a new video. For example, you can create a teaser of you video to show on Instagram and YouTube. You can also share your video on other social media sites from YouTube. Go to your YouTube video and click “Share” under the video. You can share your video to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Blogger, Reddit and Tumblr. Be sure to ask them to subscribe to your channel.

Another way to promote your videos is to embed your video on your website or blog. Views from YouTube videos embedded on your website and blog count towards your YouTube views.

Steve & Lanacia Rachel

We are Steve & Lanacia Rachel. We are a couple who enjoys making online videos. We support, inspire and motivate others to create and use video to grow their brand online.

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